
Punishing a Child

My wife and I have always agreed that spanking is necessary to proper development of a child. Lately however this has not been the case. Once my wife saw his cute little puppy-dog eyes looking back at her- well it was all over at that point. In my opinion we are having a problem with Proverbs 18:19 most.

After a bit of an argument about the subject, I hit the Bible hard (as in searching the Bible hard, I didn't actually "hit the Bible..."). I found a number of verses, mostly in Proverbs, about discipline. I also hit the web (again I searched the web, I didn't actually "hit" it...). I found a very good site with some more information. They referenced all the verses I had found and then had some more.


Every point on that page has some pretty deep wisdom. If parents actually listened to the Bible on these points we would have a much stronger and honorable society today.

This is their main page on family-related issues:

Here are links to a few verses that I found particularly interesting:
Proverbs 13:24 A loving parent will discipline their child.
Proverbs 19:18 Do not wait to discipline your child.
Proverbs 22:6 The effects of proper discipline will last forever.
Proverbs 23 13-14 Withholding discipline can have drastic consequences.
Proverbs 29:15 Parents must discipline- children cannot raise themselves properly.
Proverbs 29:17 Proper discipline will provide a happier family. Not only the child, but the entire family.
Deuteronomy 6:7 Teach your child the ways of the Lord. Tech them constantly. This can and does include proper discipline (but of course is not limited to discipline).
Colossians 3:18-21 Very good wisdom for proper family dynamics.
Hebrews 12:11 The reason for proper discipline.

Sir Lancealittle

Lance's Haloween costume!

Lance's 1st Birthday

Like other sections if my blog, these photos are late being posted (his party was in September)! Thanks Heather for reminding me!