
Caleb's progress

As Caleb has grown, it has become clear that his speech center in his brain is very obviously damaged. Thank God, he does speak, even though he is at least two years behind. He will likely always have issues with speech.

It has been up and down, behavior issues are rampant as his iron will meshes with his frustration from his inability to properly communicate. But there is hope, as always.

Recently, he has had an evaluation. The psychiatrist was clear- he is vastly behind on his speech... however he had to keep stepping up the tests in other areas. Literally, it became apparent that in many other areas he is -off the chart.- Estimates are a relative IQ of somewhere between 130 and 140. I cannot thank God enough for my little boy. Even if he can put puzzles together faster than I can.



Here are a couple photos of my sons on Haloween:


Kids and Guns

I recently was looking up firearms safety rules for a friend and kept running across articles on how or what to teach your kids about guns. Invariably the articles began with something like "We don't keep guns in our house, but such-and-such percent of homes have guns in them, and this is what you should teach your kids in case they find a gun at someone else's house." They then went on to suggest a set of rules for gun owning parents to follow to keep their kids safe.

I generally agree with many of the suggested rules, and others that are commonly suggested are in reality completely contrary to true safety and security.

I don't know how I could trust someone about firearm safety who opens their article with "We don't keep any guns in our house." Well my wife and I keep many guns in our house, and we have come up with a set of rules we will use with our family.

KEEP ALL GUNS AS INACCESSABLE AS POSSIBLE TO KIDS, BUT AS ACCESSABLE AS POSSIBLE TO ADULTS. A gun stored on the livingroom floor is dangerous. A gun locked in a safe in the deepest darkest corner of the house is worthless. Trigger locks are a sure way of getting your family killed in an emergency. This is the ultimate in safety for our children because they are safe from our guns without sacrificing our ability to defend them from criminals who would break in.

STORE ALL GUNS LOADED. Most internet articles suggested keeping ammo separate from the firearms. What are you going to tell a home-invader? "Hold on a second while I go from one end of my house to get the gun to the other end of the house to get the ammo - and oh wait, I have to load it too..." It took me too long just to type that. Not to mention, most accidents happen with a gun that someone thought was unloaded. In my house, that will never be in question. ALL GUNS ARE LOADED, AND TREATED AS SUCH. Only when a gun is to be handled will it be unloaded.

KIDS CAN SEE THE GUNS AT ANY TIME. Any time the kids ask to see the guns the answer will be "yes." The reason that kids sneak into their parents' rooms to see the guns is because they are curious. This rule will offer an alternative to an unsupervised peek at mom and dad's guns. It will also offer education about how the guns work- a very important step in keeping kids safe.

USE TOY GUNS, SQUIRT GUNS, CAP GUNS, AIRSOFT, PAINT GUNS, BB GUNS AND REAL GUNS TO TEACH GUN SAFETY. Basic gun safety rules will always be in place at our home. As our kids mature, they will be granted supervised access to progressively more powerful "toys" until they learn to shoot a real gun. This will ensure proper habits and knowlege are in place before they fire a gun for the first time, and give me and my wife feedback with how they handle guns before we ever put one in their hands.

SHOOT OFTEN. Once my kids have "graduated" to real guns, I plan on taking them shooting quite often. This will continue the education and skill development, which is key in preventing accidents. This will also provide them with the knowlege and skills they will need as future gun owners to keep themselves safe long after they have left my house and have families of their own.

TEACH KIDS TO REPORT UNATTENDED WEAPONS. This was one of the rules suggested on most of the articles that I agreed with. Our kids will be taught to immediately report all unattended weapons (guns AND knives) to an adult, without touching them.

TEACH KIDS AN ALTERNATIVE TO LOOKING AT A FRIEND'S PARENTS' GUNS. I will teach my kids an alternative to sneaking a peek at their friend's parents' guns. If invited by a friend to sneek a peek, they will be taught to reply "Instead of sneeking a peek at your dad's guns, let's go to my house. With your parent's permission, my dad will show us his guns and even let us shoot them." Even if the friend's parents wouldn't have it, it avioded the unsupervised playing with guns- and even brought the dangerous situation to light to that steps can be taken to avoid it in the future.

Added to these rules are the basic gun safety rules:

-Guns are ALWAYS treated as loaded until a physical check has been done. Even still, the next rule applies.
-Never point a gun at something or someone you are not willing to destroy or kill, EVEN IF IT IS UNLOADED.
-Never put your finger into a trigger guard until you are ready to fire.
-Always be sure of your target.
-Always be aware of what is behind your target.
-Always be sure guns are unloaded before handling them.
-Double check guns are unloaded before handling, physically examining the breech for a round and double check the magazine has been removed.


Caleb is home!

After over a week in ICU, Caleb came home today! He has to take medication twice a day for the next several months, but after a week of observation things are looking good otherwise. Things can still pop up, so we are doing our best to have hope, but be prepared.

Baba gets to meet Caleb before he goes to the ICU.

Mommy gets to visit Caleb in the ICU.

My Mommy is purty.

Caleb loves Mommy!

Caleb is all ready to go home!

Caleb arriving home!

Big brother Lance


Our New Baby Caleb

Baby Caleb Harrison Lambert was born on Sunday, January 22, 2006 at 5:45 am by C-section. He weighed 6 lbs 14 oz, and was 20.5 inches long, and had a very healthy pair of lungs! (See photos below)

Soon after the birth however we noticed that he was "twitching" periodically. Initial testing showed that there may have been pressure on his brain from a bruise on his head from the vacuum they used to try to pull him out (mommy was in labor for 21 hours, and ALMOST was able to deliver normally) which would clear up as the swelling went away. As testing continued, it appeared that this was not the case.

After a CT scan, MRI, and EEG it was clear that Caleb had suffered a stroke from a blood clot in his brain, most likely during the pregnancy. The damaged portion is sending out "misfires" which manifest as a small seizure on the right half of his body, which were happening rather frequently.

Right now the course of action being taken is to control the seizures. Caleb is on medication that appears to be working well. While the dosage had to be increased, his seizures (at least the ones that we can see) have almost completely stopped.

It is unclear how (or even IF) this will affect Caleb in the long-term. Out of all the most likely possibilities, it appears that the worst is that he may need physical therapy. Even that is unclear at this point, either way. He may recover completely on his own, or he may have more extensive damage than we currently know.

Caleb can use all the prayer he can get (as can mommy and daddy), as we believe with all our hearts that prayer is more powerful than any medication the doctors can give him! We just thank God that he is alive and that the damage is such that there is so much hope for a recovery!

Mama and baby Caleb

Grandma "Umi" and baby Caleb

Taking a nap


Punishing a Child

My wife and I have always agreed that spanking is necessary to proper development of a child. Lately however this has not been the case. Once my wife saw his cute little puppy-dog eyes looking back at her- well it was all over at that point. In my opinion we are having a problem with Proverbs 18:19 most.

After a bit of an argument about the subject, I hit the Bible hard (as in searching the Bible hard, I didn't actually "hit the Bible..."). I found a number of verses, mostly in Proverbs, about discipline. I also hit the web (again I searched the web, I didn't actually "hit" it...). I found a very good site with some more information. They referenced all the verses I had found and then had some more.


Every point on that page has some pretty deep wisdom. If parents actually listened to the Bible on these points we would have a much stronger and honorable society today.

This is their main page on family-related issues:

Here are links to a few verses that I found particularly interesting:
Proverbs 13:24 A loving parent will discipline their child.
Proverbs 19:18 Do not wait to discipline your child.
Proverbs 22:6 The effects of proper discipline will last forever.
Proverbs 23 13-14 Withholding discipline can have drastic consequences.
Proverbs 29:15 Parents must discipline- children cannot raise themselves properly.
Proverbs 29:17 Proper discipline will provide a happier family. Not only the child, but the entire family.
Deuteronomy 6:7 Teach your child the ways of the Lord. Tech them constantly. This can and does include proper discipline (but of course is not limited to discipline).
Colossians 3:18-21 Very good wisdom for proper family dynamics.
Hebrews 12:11 The reason for proper discipline.

Sir Lancealittle

Lance's Haloween costume!

Lance's 1st Birthday

Like other sections if my blog, these photos are late being posted (his party was in September)! Thanks Heather for reminding me!


Kids and Video Games

I played video games all the time when I was a kid. Now I admit that I played King's Quest - a world of difference from Grand Theft Auto - but I believe that the points made in this article are very valid. And I can speak because I STILL play video games. I'll admit that some of the content of today's games could change without adversely affecting the positives of video game playing, but I plan on allowing my kids to play Playstation.



Bonding Time

I figured I'd start this section off with some photos of Lance and Daddy getting in some bonding time.